Sunday, June 5, 2011

Music Moods and Music Appreciation


I have heard it said that the universal languages are love and music.  This article knocks it down to “The International Language.”  You may not understand the culture and customs of different countries and regions.  However, you can still find a deep appreciation for the music these areas create and perform.  Your mood can also be effected by the music you are exposed to.

In each of my posts, it is evident that music is my passion, but I’ve never shared how it makes me feel.  Music has a great power over my emotions.  There are times when I put my iPod or iTunes on shuffle and repeat and it ranges from jazz to rock to opera and then back to hip-hop.  My mood is influenced by the memories the music triggers.  I jump from the awkwardness of middle school at a school dance to laying in my dorm room thinking about my future.

I find it interesting that music is such an influential entity.  I can only speak for myself, but outside of the shuffle mode,  I usually listen to music according to an emotion.  If I feel angry, I’m listening to any kind of rock and roll music I can find.  If I’m in “strong like” or in love, I’m listening to love songs and slow jams.  Ironically, if I’m hurt or heartbroken, I can’t listen to anything.  At a point like that, my feelings are too raw and any kind of music could trigger an emotion that I’m just not ready to deal with.

I really enjoyed this article because it encourages music appreciation as well as taking the initiative to expose yourself to different genres of music.  You do not have to limit your likes just to what you hear on the radio.  There is more to the music industry than the Rihannas and Lil’ Waynes of the world.  Try something new!

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