Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dating Dilemmas....

I feel like this is turning into a tell all of my non-existent social life but here it goes...

For as long as I can remember I have heard the phrase "your time will come."  I cannot tell you how much this phrase irks the hell out of me. Half the people I went to high school with have been married, divorced, married again and working on the .5 of the 2.5 kids they already have...no exaggeration.

I'm 26, never been married, no kids, have a Master's Degree, pay my own bills etc etc etc...so why is it so difficult to find chemistry or attraction with a man of the same caliber?  I seem to be running into two types of men.....guys who fit that caliber and only looking for sex or guys whom have a major attraction but none of the basics (i.e. job, car or transportation of some sort...) and 20 kids with 5 babies' mommas.

Makes a woman just want to throw in the towel and head to the closest convent and sign up for the nun order...this is a tad extreme but I can't help what I feel....

End of rant and back to work.....

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