Saturday, January 28, 2012


Afternoon Ladies and Gents!!  This is my final blog post as a Full Sail University student as I will be receiving my Master of Science Degree in Entertainment Business, February 3rd, 2012.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to have accomplished such a feat.  It has been a difficult but rewarding experience…

I’ve reiterated on numerous occasions throughout my blog, how much music means to me.  Music has been my number one passions since I was eight years old and I can’t imagine doing anything else except music.  So what’s next? :)

I need to push myself out of this hermit-sized shell I have created for myself and actually utilize the tools, Full Sail taught me.  Music has always been a very vulnerable and personal concept for me.  I’m able to work through the stage fright jitters and stomach knots when I am singing in front of a crowd, but do you know how difficult it is to not analyze and critique every single note that comes out of your mouth?

There have been times when I have been able to “Let Go and Let God…” In those moments the music has just poured out of me and has been a very emotional connection but I can’t depend on that connection to happen every single time I open my mouth, since I don’t always connect with what I am singing.

Bottom line, it’s time for me to stop being scared and do what I love to do…the reason I was put on this Earth…to sing.  Thank you Full Sail for everything you have allowed me to accomplish and all the knowledge I have absorbed while working with both my fellow classmates and my professors.

The one thing I would differently?  Why didn’t I think to go to this school sooner???

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Funding for Minorities...

First Nations Development Institute is a non-profit organization that aids in the improvement of economic conditions for Native Americans.  First Nations implements this improvement through technical assistance & training, advocacy & policy, and direct financial grants.  When browsing through the website, I found a grant seekers tab that provides general information as to what First Nation can do for you.  First Nations provides financial and technical resources for "asset-based" projects.  There are also numerous fund options that can be accessed for different revenue projects such as the Eagle Staff Fund.

I'm actually very intrigued by First Nations.  I'm not Native American  and therefore do not qualify for assistance or funding with their program, however, it’s nice to see other minority groups aiding their communities to get ahead in the business industry.  As for donor opportunities, anyone can be apart of this organization.  First Nations showcases those whom want to help with a highlight in their Philanthropic tab.  The most recent highlight was from an 11 year old whom raised $2000 for their cause.

Although there is a plethora of contact information if you want to proceed forward with the company and their services, it’s disappointing that it does not actually lay out the process or provide some of these resources that could be used and implemented for new companies.  Sites like actually break it down for how to put the business plan together, what investors are looking for, and ways to get funding.  However, sites like First Nation give a different perspective for funding opportunities.  There are definitely pros and cons to this organization.

Being African-American I am unable to utilize their services but I appreciate what I read and am happy to pass along the information.  This research venture has inspired me to take a closer look at investment opportunities.  Looking for the obvious and not branching out could cause me to miss out on some very lucrative opportunities for my business.