Saturday, April 2, 2011

Plus Size in the Music Industry

Plus-sized Glee star reveals her struggle in Hollywood

Glee diva Amber Riley has epic curves to match her epic singing voice — but you won't see her pulling a Jennifer Hudson any time soon.

Music was an industry that was built on talent.  Somewhere down the line, the industry has moved away from talent and moved towards image.  I'm not a Glee fanatic or a "Gleek" as they call themselves, but I have caught the show a few times. I can see why people enjoy the show with its equal amount of entertainment and addiction value.  Audiences are glued to their TV to see what happens next.  The first episode I watched included a performance of Kanye West's song "Gold Digger" featuring Jamie Foxx.  When Ms. Riley, portraying the part of Jamie Foxx, opened her mouth, I was awed and found myself grooving to the TV.  Amber Riley has an amazing voice, but what struck me was that she did not fit the "cookie cutter" mode society has deemed what a celebrity should look like.  She was talented and she was a real representation of a natural woman.

Being a singer and plus-size woman myself, I struggle with this issue constantly.  I'm never going to be a "Halle Berry," nor would I want to be.  However, I fear that I may not be the "right kind of plus size" that will be up to the Music Industry's standards.  I have no desire to be an Opera Singer or a Gospel Star, where there is an immense population of plus size artist.  I have such a passion for music, it's almost overwhelming.  Everyday I strive to incorporate music into my life and aim for that "one step" in the right direction.  It simmers at the back of my mind that no one will ever say yes to me because my personal brand is not marketable...

I'm no Amber Riley, Jill Scott, or Kelly Price, but I know I have talent; I know I would not have been blessed with this burning desire to sing and perform, if music was not supposed to be a realized dream in my life.  The question becomes how do I get to where they are without killing myself to "fit in?"

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