Monday, January 4, 2021

A Journey of Gratitude...

January seems to always represent a month of new beginnings.  An opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Ironically, this is the first year (that I can recall) that I don't want to do that.  I don't want to wipe the slate clean.  I don't want to start anew.  This life is a journey and a plethora of new things are going to happen at any given moment.

I want to get back to focusing on the present; Sitting in the wisdom that is coming from the old stuff. I want to find gratitude in what I already can speak to … so let's make a virtual gratitude jar! πŸ˜€

I've been seeing the above image circling around for a few years and loved the idea, but construction paper in a jar doesn't seem to have a lot of staying power lol.  So same process, different method.  Feel free to join me on this on-going journey.  Share your daily gratitude moments.  Would love to hear from you all … Happy 2021!

January 01. 2021

I honestly was just thankful for another day, catching a few fireworks when the clock struck midnight.  However, randomly at 3am I received a text message indicating a direct deposit.  Well hey surprise stimulus πŸ˜‚.  There's so much comedy and simultaneous turmoil surrounding this whole process, but I choose to change the narrative to a positive.

January 02. 2021

I'm thankful for a few things today.  I currently attend a weekly book club meet-up (via Zoom), a stimulating activity born out of a need to connect with others.  This week we discussed a section in The Relationship Escalator by Amy Gahran, referencing the relationship dynamics of Egalitarian and Relationship Anarchy. I'm not someone who typically seeks validation, but it's intoxicating when you naturally stumble upon it.  Living your truth and then receiving what feels like an accolade for your truth is amazing.

I also had a socially distanced first date with someone new.  Dates at a bookstore are the BEST way to get and keep my attention. I don't know if anything will grow from this connection, but I appreciated the thought put into the date.  Stay tuned!

January 03. 2021

There's something to be said about spending time in your own energy; appreciating your own space.  I definitely want to continue doing me time on purpose.

January 04. 2021

Back to the work grind!  However, this might be the first time that I was actually excited to log back into work in maybe ever?  The job is challenging and interesting.  Let's me use my brain and yet I still have the opportunity to make connections and help others.  First "adult" job I'm grateful for.

January 05. 2021

Thankful for colleagues who are walking in the same mindset.  Sometimes you just need to bitch with likeminded people.  Today was a good day!

January 06. 2021

This was a day to mark in the history books … but to focus on the good ... Positive reinforcement is necessary!  Mentally challenging work day but it felt good to have a mini coaching session that confirmed I am doing well (even if I feel like I'm winging it).  I'll take it!

January 07. 2021

This week I've been waking up ridiculously early and today was the first day I got to sleep in.  Yay for no alarm clock days!!

January 08. 2021

What a way to end the work week!!  Had the pleasure of chatting with some of my Sigma Alpha Iota Fraternity Sisters (Zoom Reunion).  Reminiscing about BGSU, parties and of course a little bit of drama! Nostalgic moment! 🌹🌹🌹

January 09. 2021

I was going to share another moment with my book club; our meetings seem to get longer and longer every time we get together😏.  Truly grateful for them … but something new dawned on me today.  In three days, I'm embarking on a pretty significant journey for myself. Can't lie that I am scared, but I'm pretty proud of myself for moving forward despite the fear.  God's got me and it, that's what mainly matters. Send all the Positive Vibes and I'll send them right back πŸ’“.

January 10. 2021

Today was literally the best day!!  Spent some quality time with my partner....just felt like I was beaming with golden light the whole time and well into the evening.  Sending all that love out into the Universe!

January 11. 2021

Today's the Eve of a big event in my life.  Work kept me focused and I feel super accomplished with what I was able to do today despite the hurricane that I'm feeling in my stomach. A plethora of feels but I feel good overall. Thankful for the structure of work that took my mind off things.

January 12. 2021

Well today was the day!  I made it through the surgery but there was a lot of pain! I'm thankful for the kindness of everyone that took care of me and Momma J is the real MVP, by being here through all of it.

January 13. 2021

Discharged from the hospital … grateful that the pain isn't as bad as it was yesterday.

January 14-16. 2021

This has been week one of recovery.  Momma J was here through Saturday morning.  Helped with both comic relief and making sure I listened to the Doctor's orders lol.  I'm just as stubborn as she is. Pain is subsiding a bit more every day and starting to feel a little like myself again … but listening to my body and resting as much as possible. Grateful for a lot of things the last few days.

January 17. 2021

It's a bit early but I'm pretty sold on what I'm grateful for today.  Friends are hard to come by and calling someone a friend means a great deal to me.  I'm thankful for the people who hold this label.  More and more everyday, y'all become family.

January 18. 2021

Today was a little rough.  Recovery mode still in full effect!!  However, my vitamins were delivered 3 weeks earlier than expected … Woohoo and I lost 10lbs!! That's freaking nuts!! It's also cracking me up that the only reason my pants are staying up is because I still have ass for days!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

January 19. 2021

Just grateful that today was an improvement from yesterday!

January 20. 2021

I don't have words for today.  This was and is such an epic moment in history. My Vice-President looks like me, which I hope is another stepping stone to My President fully looking like me.  I've been holding my breath for what feels like two months … and now that it's here and it happened, I'm both awed and relieved.  This country still has A LOT of work ahead of us … but this step is epic!

January 21. 2021

Drove today for the first time post surgery!  Was a bit tired, but I still made it through.  Got the hair did and the eyebrows waxed!  Feeling myself for real 😎.

January 22. 2021

I'm currently on leave from work due to recovery from surgery, as I've mentioned in previous days.  My short-term disability from my job was approved; Which was nice to not have to worry about pay. Today is pay day and my check was significantly shorter than expected. For the first time in my adult life, I didn't panic.  I was irritated of course, but I didn't panic. I'm grateful for peace of mind and thankful that I've learned how to not "lay down and die" when unexpected inconveniences happen. 

January 23. 2021

Spent my day with some great peeps and continued working on my vision board for 2021.  It was a great day.

January 24. 2021

You ever have those days where you're just feeling yourself?  Today was that day πŸ˜‰

January 25. 2021

Did absolutely nothing. Glorious!

January 26. 2021

Had my post op appt today with the surgeon.  Gave me the all clear to move forward and said I was healing well. While he was just referring to my healing process, he told me something that I needed to hear: "You are right where you should be."  Sometimes that reminder is needed, especially when I'm feeling down on myself.

January 27. 2021

Back to the work grind!! It was a special day lol...but grateful I made it through. Feeling productive!

January 28. 2021

Came to terms that even at 35, I can still have a "school girl crush." Laughing at myself all day.  Thoroughly enjoying the feels that are associated with this and who knows, maybe there's something there. Will keep you posted!

January 29. 2021

Grateful for meeting people who love what they do.  It makes all the difference in the quality of service.

January 30. 2021

It was nice to have a much needed day of nothing after returning back to work this past week.  First time in a long time where I didn't have to choose to do nothing, I just literally had nothing to do.  Weird.

January 31. 2021

I'm grateful that I've completed 31 days of gratitude.  That's pretty awesome!

February 01. 2021

So this is the start of the first full week back to work after being on leave … I'm finding that I actually enjoy my job.  There's some prickly areas here and there...but this is a job that for once, I'm kind of excited to log in.

February 02. 2021

I woke up feeling strong today.  That's epic.

February 03. 2021

I've been randomly looking up houses for sale just for the hell of it.  Some of it might be wishful thinking and some of it might be a future plan in the works. However, it's a nice reminder that I'm grateful for what I already have … I'm divinely favored for sure, but I worked hard for what I currently have.  Feels pretty damn good.

February 04. 2021

I took a partial sick day today … and it's the first time, in a long time, where I've listened to my body and recognized I needed to stop and just be.

February 05. 2021

It's Friday!! Made it through the week. Sometimes that's enough to be grateful for.

February 06. 2021

I talk about my book club frequently, but they're really a second family.  We're in between books at the moment but we still meet every Saturday to just check in.  Today, we had several new people join the fold and had a really in depth discussion about polyamory/ethical non-monogamy. Felt good to show some support and encouragement to others … and expand the polycule a bit.

February 07. 2021

Spent some time with my partner, playing PokΓ©monGo … got some sunshine...All and all just a really good day.

February 08. 2021

Down another 2lbs this week!!  #Winning

February 09. 2021

There is really something to be said when you have a decent boss.  Someone who trusts you enough to do do your job and adhere to what you're supposed to do, but available when you need them.  These qualities should really be the standard, but I can count on one hand how many supervisors I've had that actually surpass this "standard."

February 10. 2021

Had an intense phone date with one of my connections … been thinking about him all day πŸ˜„

February 11. 2021

Grateful for work today.  Starting to feel like I know what I'm doing. Only took about 6 months lol...but I'm here and I enjoy it!

February 12. 2021

I double booked myself today!! Two of my loves wanted to have a mini date today...but thankfully they both took it in stride.  Lovely video date with J. and in person moment with D.B.  D.B. brought me roses in honor of Love Day 🌹🌹🌹!

I am entirely spoiled and I love it!!

February 13. 2021

Been doing my own mini work-outs to get back in some type shape/ health mode for the last few weeks.  A good friend of mine who owns a gym, "strongly suggested" I get back to some of her group work-outs LOL. Love her dearly but EVERYTHING was burning!!

Grateful....though....I got through it and didn't die lol.  It's the little things!

February 14. 2021


Even if you don't celebrate the day, isn't it nice to be seemingly unified with the world celebrating Love?  That's beautiful!!

February 15. 2021

Grateful for surrounding myself with friends who double as hype women.  Vibrating on a high frequency because of them!

February 16. 2021

Grateful that I still have much to learn.  Still need the reminders of staying in the moment and just be.

February 17. 2021

Grateful for the continued life lessons. Apparently more wisdom gaining experiences is a theme today!

February 18. 2021

Sometimes just waking up is the thing to be grateful for.

February 19. 2021

Pay Day!

February 20. 2021

Went for a short drive to run a couple errands and get out of the house.  That little bit of sunshine made a huge difference in the rest of the day.

February 21. 2021

Spent time with my partner B today.  He truly decorates my life...and it helps that he's a giant and can change the lightbulbs I can't reach!

February 22. 2021

Took a much needed personal day.  It's still weird to have all this Paid Time Off (PTO) available...but I'm so happy.  First time I don't feel like I have to work because there's not enough time to take a break.

February 23. 2021

I woke up feeling happy, energized and sexy as hell.  Everything just seemed to sparkle.

February 24. 2021

It still surprises me when I have those moments that make me feel like a responsible adult.  Like I actually know what I'm talking about.  Still a life long journey of learning but glad I can apply a few things here and there.

February 25. 2021

Touch based with a few friends I haven't seen in person in sometime since Covid began.  The excitement radiated off of me.

February 26. 2021

It's Friday and I ended the month with 100% quality at work.  I'll take it!!

February 27. 2021

Guess what I was grateful for today? Being stood up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Even though my pride was a little bruised, I ended up spending some time with some of my favorite people, dancing, living my best life!  Then deepened a pretty surprising connection that I would have never expected.

February 28. 2021

Got my glow on!

March 01. 2021

Still on cloud 9 with the glow...just keeps spilling over into the next day.

March 02. 2021

Grateful for being able to reel myself in and stay in the moment...

March 03. 2021

Got my first dose of the vaccine!!! #LightAtTheEndOfTheTunnel

March 04. 2021

Grateful for it being Friday and Pay Day Eve!

March 05. 2021

Someone spoke to me in my love language today (Music). Set the tone for the rest of my day!

March 06. 2021

I went on a first date with someone new.  It was fun to put myself out there again.  Social Distance Dating for the win!

March 07. 2021

Binged the rest of WandaVision!  I just need to say that The Scarlett Witch, is a badass!

March 08. 2021

Officially reached the 70lbs lost mark!!  This is insane! I love it though!

March 09. 2021

Made a connection with someone that literally feels like me in Male form. Craziest thing ever!

March 10. 2021

Thankful that I have made it to mid week.

March 11. 2021

Grateful for Friday Eve.

March 12. 2021

I have survived this week!!

March 13. 2021

Thankful for relationships where I am able to completely show up as myself. No walls, no barriers. Authentically me.

March 14. 2021

Grateful for trusting the universe.

March 15. 2021

Grateful for encountering someone who seems to speak the dialect of my soul.

March 16. 2021

Been doing a form of Yoga/Mobility exercises. Feeling stronger each time I do it.

March 17. 2021

Thankful for trusting the universe and letting love in. πŸ€πŸ€

March 18. 2021

Grateful for knowing when to take a break.

March 19. 2021

Back to feeling productive!!  Nice cap to a decent week!

March 20 - 21. 2021

I don't even have words to describe this day! Might as well say that it started 2pm on Saturday and didn't end until 6:30am Sunday morning. One of the best times of my 35 years on this Earth.  I'm looking forward to the continuation of what's in store.

March 22. 2021

Completed my Yoga/Mobility routine with very little effort. Time to move on to the next step in my workouts!

March 23. 2021

What I'm grateful for started in the early hours of today and spilled over into the remainder of the day. Heart bursting. So much love, joy and peace.

March 24. 2021

I just realized that this is the first March that I'm not sad in a very long time.

March 25. 2021

Can you just be grateful to be grateful?

March 26. 2021

Got a pedicure!!! 

March 27. 2021

Had a hard conversation that ended in a unexpected but necessary resolution.  Grateful for the difficult things too!

March 28. 2021

Developing a genuine friendship with my partner's wife.  Dare I say metamour??!!  I'm super excited!!

March 29. 2021

100lbs lost is in sight!! Never thought I would be in reach of this number!!

March 30. 2021

Had a wonderful mid-week vacation with my partner. I'm completely smitten and enraptured with how he shows up for our dynamic.

March 31. 2021

I put up a full body selfie for the first time in maybe ever on social media and completely unashamed by it. Feeling and looking beautiful and loving every bit of it.

April 01. 2021

I didn't fall suspect to any pranks today!! #Amen

April 02. 2021

Thankful for opportunities to be vulnerable and for my partners to show up for me in multiple ways.  Definitely what I needed today.

April 03. 2021

Got to hug my parents today. BEST HUGS EVER!!!

April 04. 2021

Tough day today...but thankful for work distractions while I process my feelings.

April 05. 2021

Thankful for really supportive partners.

April 06. 2021

Today was a hard day, but I made it through and for that I'm thankful.

April 07. 2021

Beautiful warm sunshine-y day!

April 08. 2021

Having my Friday on a Thursday!

April 09 - 12. 2021

Spent a long weekend in North Carolina with a pretty epic human.  If home were a person, it's him.

April 13. 2021

Back to the work grind.  Actually a pretty decent day and a good review of the last couple of months with my UM.

April 14. 2021

My body seems to be getting back to my normal. Working like it should.  Pain in the ass but also a good thing. 

April 15. 2021

Grateful for the aspect of being detail oriented.

April 16. 2021

Took a much needed personal day and ran errands outside of my apartment. Felt weird and satisfying.

April 17. 2021

Got a pedicure.  Seems like such a small thing but it's nice to be able to do a small pamper activity for myself.

April 18. 2021

Had lunch with a very good friend and took a walk in the sunshine.

April 19. 2021

Was honest with myself about grief.  Gave myself permission to be sad. To cry. Cathartic.

April 20. 2021

For the first time in what I can remember (in may be ever) accountability was implemented in the society I live in. It's not over, but it's a step.

April 21. 2021

Thankful for the mirror, for being in tune with myself when something feels off.

April 22. 2021

Planning mini getaways for myself. Finding ways to enjoy my life.

April 23. 2021

Tried on some new clothes that fit right out the box and had a mini photoshoot.  Celebrated my sexy!

April 24. 2021

Taking another step in my healthy adventure.

April 25. 2021

Road Trips + Music = My own brand of Therapy.

April 26. 2021

Feeling back to my normal and down 96lbs!!!!

April 27. 2021

Caught up on work and feeling solid.  It's a good day.

April 28. 2021

Came across a Red Table Talk that did a deeper dive into Polyamorous dynamics beyond the MFF Triad/Throuples that are being pushed in the media.  It's so refreshing to feel seen.

April 29. 2021

Just thankful for another day to wake up!

April 30. 2021

Logged out of work early for a few hours and took a drive while running some errands.  Sometimes you need to get out of your space. Thankful I had the flexibility to do that.

May 01. 2021

Today was amazing!  I was able to see, hug and talk to my parents without a mask for the first time in over a year.  It was emotional and heart soothing!  Also reconnected with a couple friends via lunch and pinball.  Was needed.

May 02. 2021

Sat on my patio all day, enjoying the weather and sunshine. Having some nature and me time.

May 03. 2021

Completed a 40 minute Zumba work-out without stopping.  Woohoo!!

May 04. 2021

Communicating with my partner what I need and it being received in a positive light.

May 05 -06. 2021

Reconnecting with my partners on a more solid level. Feeling the commitment from all sides.

May 07. 2021

Not a stellar day at work but I made it through...looking forward to a fabulous weekend!

May 08. 2021

I really appreciate the time that I'm able to reconnect with my partner even when there's distance.  There seems to be a consistent theme of nurturing all of my dynamics as of late.  I'm appreciating the changes as we all continue to grow as people and together.

May 09. 2021

Participated in a manifestation training this week and finally caught up on all the lessons.  I didn't learn anything different, but I like the reminders that tell me to change the narrative.  There's so much power in your thoughts and words.  Be mindful!

May 10. 2021


**This post frequently updates.