Sunday, July 24, 2011

Meet Brian The Gifted...

"I couldn't find the blueprint to success in mainstream Hip Hop, so I decided to design my own music success plan."-BTG

Brian The Gifted (BTG), a Cleveland, Ohio native, is an independent recording artist based in Columbus, Ohio.  Brian is gifted (pun intended) with the ability to make his audience feel every word he speaks through his music.  From songs like “I Don’t Know Why,” “The Dream,” and “Lyrical Overdose,” it’s easy to transition from cruisin’ in the car to getting hyped in the club.  I had the opportunity to catch up with BTG and get some inside information on being an unsigned artist breaking into the industry…

Nubian Songbird (NS): How long have you been in the industry and how did you get started?
Brian The Gifted (BTG):  I started back in the late 80's writing short poems, R&B, and gospel songs. Music was only a hobby at that time.  Later on in the early 90's, I began exploring Rap music and I quickly became a Scar-face fan. I didn't understand all the lyrical content but I became hooked to the sound and feel of his music. After being introduced to that genre of music, I studied rap from various artists for years.  However, during that time I struggled with creating an original rap song. In High School, I started to test my talent by free-styling to close friends and family.  Free-styling felt so natural that I stopped writing lyrics completely. 

Shortly after High School, I enlisted in the military and continued to showcase my skills while traveling.  After a few freestyles, I found confidence in my lyrical abilities and created a reputation for clever punch-lines with a smooth tone. Later, I started battle rapping and entering contests worldwide.  I performed on stages from the United States to England and gained international fans after winning a series of rap competitions. After separating from the military in 2006, I'd made up my mind that I wanted to become a mainstream artist.

I quickly began self-educating, writing lyrics, and producing all in preparation to enter the entertainment industry. In 2010 I changed my stage name from 'Iceberg B' to 'Brian The Gifted'.  I then teamed up with DEF Jam digital distribution to help distribute my debut single titled "I Don't Know Why." I've been promoting growth ever since.

NS:  Sounds like it was a seamless path to your current status. How would you describe your music style?
BTG: My music is poetic, passionate and is easy to understand. It's based on truth and usually follows the format of a story line.

NS: I definitely feel like you’re painting a picture when I’m listening to your music.  Now getting back to your lyrics; I’ve heard your freestyle.  You seem to have a knack for literally rapping about anything.  What is your favorite topic to write about? Why?
BTG: I like to write about topics that emotionally attach listeners. There are many rappers that can make words rhyme, few can make you feel the music with your heart.

NS: Whom do you consider influential to your music?
BTG: There are a variety of artists I gain influence from.  However, Russell Simmons, Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, 2-Pac and Nas are some of the major artists I incorporate in my music.

NS: Do you feel your music is associated with any mainstream artists out now?  If so, who?
BTG: There is only one BTG, however I do learn from the current artists out now.

NS: You write, compose, produce, market…your own music, which aspect of the process do you enjoy the most?  Why?
BTG: I like to walk into the recording booth and get lost in the serenity of recording. It's a feeling that can't be matched.

NS: Getting lost in the music is hard to describe.  Following some of your status updates, I’ve seen you’ve had some experience with negotiations that affect the future of your music career.  Can you elaborate on some of those?
BTG: I've spoken with A&R's, producers, and mainstream managers - business agreements are still in work, so more information to follow on that.

NS: When negotiating what approach do you normally take?  Do you normally have an outcome in your favor?
BTG: In this business negotiating is key. My approach is always logical and lucrative for both parties involved. The outcome is usually in my favor. I also keep in mind that one meeting won't necessarily seal a deal so I exercise persistence with tact.

NS: Sometimes in negotiations, emotions arise in the dialogue.  How do you remain objective and keep people/emotions separate from the deal/issue?
BTG: Believe in yourself, but don't take yourself too seriously. "Brian The Gifted" is a Hip Hop artist to fans, and simply a "market" to investors/executives.  If your image or music is criticized, take notes. Always defend yourself with logic, not emotion. 

NS: What advice do you have for a novice musician like myself?
BTG: No one will believe in you until you believe in your self. Perfect your craft and know that you are great. Don't necessarily believe in being in the right place at the right time.  Believe in numbers. If you promote good music, people will listen and records will sale. It's up to you to maintain that growth. Never take too much advice from someone who is not credible in this industry, (no matter how good they sound). Time is money, if a plan fails modify it and keep moving. Most importantly, don't expect a friend, family member or even fellow musician to share your drive and ambition. Your dream is not always aligned with others’ dreams!

Thank you BTG, for the opportunity to meet with you and learn about your aspirations in the industry.  Brian The Gifted’s first single “I Don’t Know Why,” is now available on iTunes and he is currently working on his first album “Final Genesis,” due out in mid 2012!!